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Main » 2014 » October » 4 » Control who can inteact with you on Roblox.
3:38 PM
Control who can inteact with you on Roblox.

Take Control of Who Can Interact With You on

While we have a dedicated team of moderators and automated systems that ensure everyone on ROBLOX has a positive and productive experience, we also strive to give our community members the power to make their time on ROBLOX as great as it can be — without our intervention. Today, we enabled a new social web feature, allowing anyone to prevent specific users from initiating direct contact (which includes chat messages, private messages, trades, and more) on This is one of our community’s most anticipated updates, and we’re happy to make it available, as it offers you additional power to make your experience a positive one.

To block a ROBLOX member for any reason you see fit, go to their profile page. Under their character thumbnail, you’ll see a “More” button. Hit the button, and click “Block user.” This adds the user to your block list, which you can manage at any time within the “Privacy” tab of the Account Settings page. Currently, you can block a maximum of 50 individuals. This number may change in the future.

Block user from profile

Once a user is blocked, they can no longer:

  • Send you party invites
  • Chat with you
  • Send you private messages
  • Friend request you
  • Follow you into games
  • Trade with you
  • Send you clan invites
  • Send your group ally requests

Essentially, blocking someone cuts off all social features on We’re working on expanding the feature to in-game interactions, as well. If either you or the blocked individual attempt any of these actions, we’ll display messages indicating that they’re not available. Again, you can remove someone from your block list under the “Privacy” tab on the Account Settings page, or by going back to their profile page and using the “More” button again.

We hope this feature helps you have an even better time on ROBLOX.

-THIS BLOG WAS NOT CREATED BY ME- This all credit goes to

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