Well so most roblox character know juliuscolesv2 and most people dont like him. He got an uncopylocked game and made a famous game even more famous then the originals. Now a lot of people hate him for this i put some comments below from his game. He has more dislikes then likes. There is even a group that was created trying to get him banned. There is over thousands of people who hate julius and keep trying to get his account banned. he already got his 1st one terminated. Now everyone is entilted to their own opinion but do you think your going a little to far when you have a campaign going against him. So many youtube videos, groups,comments and secret hackers that go into his game and destroy it. So many people think roblox should terminate his account again for putting the same copied game up with a different name. I personally do not like him, because i've tried to talk to him before, and he ignored me. I then said I will give my limiteds for free. Then only did he want to talk to me. Not to long after this happened JuliusColesV2 died. Once again banned. He still makes youtube videos to this day, talking about he wishes all the admins would die of cancer. He says he hates Roblox, and will never come back. Here are some of the comments.