In a world where heroes and villains are the norm, renowned illegal superhero known as 'Supreme' faces extreme political and social issues within the divided ROBLOXian world.
- Ideology by KadyCreate/KCreate PRODUCTION NOMINATIONS
- Animated and edited by KadyCreate/KCreate - VIDEO OF THE YEAR BLOXY
- Written and Directed by Tobi321 - BEST ACTION VIDEO BLOXY
- Released November 3rd 2016
Nimbus Reviews
- This deserves at least 1 million views mate! -ObliviousHD
- Omg this is so good. -MouseyCherie
- omg. re-watched it 5 times. need more <3 -Elixcore
- This is incredible. One of the best series on youtube for sure. -Gearics
- (My personal opinion) I believe this has so much effort put into it. The whole film is animated, which is over 16 minutes long. That takes forever to edit, and animate. Then not only that, Kady, and Tobi321 also had voice acting involved. This is only the base of the cake. This is going to be one of the biggest Roblox videos, that have ever existed. Everything from the plot of this story, to the script, is just great, and I feel like there is more to come, and it will only get better. -tec307
There are so many reviews for this film, if you want to see more, go watch it on his channel here-