We will be holding a contest called the Techno Awards... Here is how it works there will be 3 awards GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE.
How this works
So the category is "RANDOM" So you can make any genre you want... The length limit is from 2-10 minutes. I and Genrice will decide who the winners are. The reason for me and Genrice being the judges... because Genrice don't film much. When me and Genrice decides who comes 1st 2nd or 3rd we will post when the award ceremony is. If that person does not show up to the award we will not give it away but you will not be posted on youtube because the award ceremony will be filmed.
What you can win
You will win Bronze Silver or Gold that will be placed in the studio along with your picture. You will also win the satisfaction you won and the fact that the whole award ceremony was recorded and put on youtube. All 3 people will be given a shout out to the channel they posted from.
If you are caught cheating... by this i mean copying s video that was already posted to youtube ect. You will be Disqualified and banned from the next contest. After that if you cheat again you will be banned from all contest and will not be able to attend anything that has to do with the contest.
This contest starts 8/28/2015 to 9/2/2015