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Why i started this...

I have always wanted to be someone to be noticed but not famous. sometimes i feel left out watching all these big people get attention. I started this so as we grow bigger i can help people get bigger so they don't have to feel the same.I also want to get my games out there and other peoples games in Roblox. Techno Studios is going to help others. The most fame i have ever had was when my game Legend Of Lynxpaw was created. I felt so joyfull and happy. I was even once the biggest BC game there was. But then when it hit 3500 visits people left me in the dust. i felt bad and sad but then relized it was good for that to happen because i was becoming over rated with power. I never had 53k+ tix before in my life.Now every once and a while i will get a place visit. I wish that i could go back with the knowledge i know and switch it so i am big again but dont make the same mistake with the power. So i started this to help people. But i wont be able to help every one. So if you really need help join my group techno studios on roblox Link->...

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Category: My articles | Added by: TecnoStudios (06.21.2014)
Views: 257 | Rating: 0.0/0
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