Knightfall is one of the best edited/animated film created by Stopmotion101 Studios They have a youtube channel and a Roblox group If you watched videos on this site then you have most likely seen their movies because we have posted some of there movies on here. WARNING(THIS IS NOT ILLEGAL BECAUSE IT WAS NOT PROTECTED FROM COPY WRITES AND IT IS RAN THROUGH YOUTUBE THE GENERATOR IN WHICH HE POSTED IT ON). Here is their group description These movies are directed and edited by "thefallen123" on Roblox.
Stopmotion101 Studio
This is the group where we make comedy, action, drama, every type of movie there is. We also make music videos and shorts. At Stopmotion101 Studios we post our videos on our youtube 101stopmotion.
NOTE: If you want to be in a movie, just join the group, and await the next filming date. Once it's time to film, just follow the director into the place, and listen t
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